Live event painting or custom art work, commercial or residential murals, and more! Browse our unique art vendors to provide entertainment and a splash of color and beauty to your event! Search here for Unique Art in Lake, Illinois.
Please select a city from the list.
- Antioch
- Barrington
- Buffalo Grove
- Deerfield
- Fort Sheridan
- Fox Lake
- Grayslake
- Great Lakes
- Gurnee
- Highland Park
- Highwood
- Ingleside
- Island Lake
- Lake Bluff
- Lake Forest
- Lake Villa
- Lake Zurich
- Libertyville
- Lincolnshire
- Long Grove
- Mundelein
- North Chicago
- Round Lake
- Russell
- Vernon Hills
- Wadsworth
- Wauconda
- Waukegan
- Winthrop Harbor
- Zion