Live event painting or custom art work, commercial or residential murals, and more! Browse our unique art vendors to provide entertainment and a splash of color and beauty to your event! Search here for Unique Art in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
Please select a city from the list.
- Abington
- Accord
- Brant Rock
- Bridgewater
- Brockton
- Bryantville
- Carver
- Duxbury
- East Bridgewater
- East Wareham
- Elmwood
- Green Harbor
- Greenbush
- Halifax
- Hanover
- Hanson
- Hingham
- Hull
- Humarock
- Kingston
- Lakeville
- Manomet
- Marion
- Marshfield
- Marshfield Hills
- Mattapoisett
- Middleboro
- Minot
- Monponsett
- North Carver
- North Marshfield
- North Pembroke
- North Scituate
- Norwell
- Ocean Bluff
- Onset
- Pembroke
- Plymouth
- Plympton
- Rochester
- Rockland
- Scituate
- South Carver
- Wareham
- West Bridgewater
- West Wareham
- White Horse Beach
- Whitman