Using special wax, you can create shapes in different forms of art pieces. Create your own hand impressions, or make candles and sculptures! Wax is an unusual and entertaining craft form for your next event! Search here for Wax Hands in Washington, Maine.
Please select a city from the list.
- Addison
- Baileyville
- Beals
- Brookton
- Calais
- Cherryfield
- Columbia Falls
- Cutler
- Danforth
- Dennysville
- East Machias
- Eastport
- Grand Lake Stream
- Harrington
- Jonesboro
- Jonesport
- Lambert Lake
- Lubec
- Machias
- Machiasport
- Meddybemps
- Milbridge
- Pembroke
- Perry
- Princeton
- Robbinston
- Steuben
- Topsfield
- Vanceboro
- Waite
- Wesley
- Whiting
- Whitneyville