When planning your wedding, location is all important! If you are looking for a wedding chapel, you've come to the right place! Enlist the help of our party planners to help you locate the perfect venue for your big day! Search here for Wedding Chapels in Centre, Pennsylvania.
Please select a city from the list.
- Aaronsburg
- Bellefonte
- Blanchard
- Boalsburg
- Centre Hall
- Clarence
- Coburn
- Fleming
- Howard
- Julian
- Lemont
- Madisonburg
- Milesburg
- Millheim
- Mingoville
- Moshannon
- Orviston
- Pennsylvania Furnace
- Philipsburg
- Pine Grove Mills
- Port Matilda
- Rebersburg
- Sandy Ridge
- Snow Shoe
- Spring Mills
- State College
- University Park
- Woodward