Access Legal Services -Same Day Marriage in L.A.

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- Serving Nationwide
- Address:
- 5202 Laurel Canyon Blvd
- City, Zip Code & State
- Valley Village, CA 91607
Same day wedding chapel in the Los Angeles area.
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Now you don't have to drive all the way to Las Vegas to get married on the spot. Our Los Angeles Wedding Chapel is the one stop for your same day wedding. We perform your ceremony, you can purchase your marriage license from us, we will also mail the marriage certificate to the L.A. County Registrar, and provide express mail for your certificate.
Contact us today for more information.
Among other cities, Access Legal Services -Same Day Marriage in L.A. may serve the following areas: Houston, New York, New York City, Manhattan, Miami, Montreal, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, Southern California, San Antonio, Chicago, Toronto, Denver, Dallas, Kansas City, Philadelphia, Minneapolis, Phoenix, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Las Vegas, Pittsburgh, Oklahoma City, Saint Louis, St. Louis, Austin, Brooklyn, San Diego, Atlanta, Seattle, Baltimore, Detroit, Edmonton, Indianapolis
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