Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day

How do you celebrate Mother’s Day? We envision special cards, Flower Bouquets, gift baskets, and banners saying “You’re #1 Mom!” But how about throwing her a surprise party? Discretely invite all of your family members. Prepare the party according to what your mother would like; i.e. her favorite flowers, colors, foods, games, and music. Maybe have everyone dress up reflective of the year your mother was born and have a contest for best dressed. Food being one of the greatest aspects of any party, you should cater to your mothers tastes and likings. If her favorite food is Italian, find a catering company that can supply all you need. If she likes snack like nachos and hot dogs, maybe a food cart will do the job.

A personalized Mother’s day cake can be the “frosting on the cake”, if you catch my drift. A custom cake makes anyone feel absolutely fabulous and special. Keep the children busy with a bounce house, so the focus can stay on mama and she doesn’t have to feel obligated to be grandma on her special day. Something that might be fun for everyone is to set up a karaoke machine, so everyone can participate in the joys of the evening. Another gift you can give your mother aside from a card, flowers, and a party is a slide show of all the wonderful family photos you can compile. Your mother will be so touched by your efforts alone.