Bachelor Baseball

When my husband got home from his friend Brian's bachelor party, I couldn't wait to hear all the details. Lucky for me, my husband was happy to oblige. Now I'm just dying to tell someone else.
The guys caravanned down to the beach to a baseball field that overlooked the ocean. Brian's favorite sport is baseball and he promised his fiancé he wouldn't go to any bars. The guys separated into two teams and went to their respective dug outs. Each dug out had been decorated with coolers full of beer, hot dogs in hot trays, bags of peanuts and packs of bubble gum. Batting helmets were lined up, a line up posted and oh, a bat girl was there to hand you your bat.
This was not the bat girl that had a crush on Batman. No. This was a bat girl in a short skirt, tight shirt tied at her belly button and little white sneakers. Each girl had the name of her team printed on her shirt. My husband told me it was hard to miss the team names, if you know what I mean. There was even a referee. Not your typical official though. This one wore tight black short shorts and a black and white bikini top. Her baseball cap read 'Rule Breaker' and she wore a whistle around her neck. All the guys enjoyed the eye candy and had a hard time keeping score.
Brian's team was the first to bat and Brian was first up. He belted it out to center field. The center fielder caught it but because Brian was the bachelor, he got to go to first base anyways. Then they let him go to second, third and home. He needed to start the party going. The catcher in this game had double duty. He was also in charge of the large keg behind home plate. When a player came home, he had to down a large cup of beer. You can imagine what the guys were like in the later innings. Brian had the privilege of getting on base every time he hit, the keg had his name on it my husband said.
After nine innings the game was declared a tie and the girls handed out towels to the guys. Most of the food had been eaten and Brian was feeling pretty happy. Pictures were taken of all the guys with the girls and the next phase of the bachelor party was set to begin.
One of the guys volunteered the clubhouse at his apartment complex for the party to continue. A couple of guys who couldn't make it to baseball, arranged for a casino night. There's nothing better than sports, beer and gambling I was told. There was a black jack table, craps table and poker table available for playing as well as a roulette wheel. Each table was manned by a gorgeous female card dealer who wore a low cut shirt and tight black skirt. The guys had to buy in to receive chips and the guy who ended up with the most chips at the end of the evening would win the pot. Brian was overwhelmed by the planning and details of the party and kept thanking everyone.
A bartender was set up in the corner of the room but the guys didn't have to leave their seats. A cocktail waitress served beverages to everyone. The cocktail napkins had the silhouette of a woman on them and inside each drink was a swizzle stick with two round breasts at the end. A second waitress served appetizers while the guys played. Trays of stuffed mushrooms, marinated shrimp, chicken skewers and meatballs made the rounds. Next to the bar was a cake table. The cake was in the shape of two huge tits (my husband's word - he said that truly described its appearance, so I envisioned there must have been big nipples on top - you're right, he said.)
The guys played at each table for about an hour then rotated to a different one. At the poker table, baseball was the game (3's and 9' are wild), and the craps table was the loudest. At one point, the guys had the cocktail waitress rolling because no one was having any luck. She got the table hot again in more ways than one. In fact, towards the end of the evening the guys had had enough to eat and drink so she sat down to play a little poker. She had a new game in mind and invited Brian, and only Brian to play along. The other guys happily vacated their chairs and a game of strip poker took place.
Brian won the first hand and the waitress took off her shirt. She was wearing a black lace bra that left little to the imagination. She won the second hand so Brian figured he'd take off his shirt too. The guys booed him. The game continued until each was left in only their underwear. And then, well, all my husband would say is the best man won.
My husband is going to another bachelor party next week but after telling me about Brian's, he said it will be tough to beat. I'm not thrilled with all this bachelor stuff, although there are some perks for me. When my husband got home around 1:00 a.m. he said the party was a home run and now he wanted to score with me.