Greek Mythology

For Angela's first birthday party I wanted it to be as much fun for the adults as it was for the children. We had a family party with cake and presents for the family, but for the friends, I wanted to do something extra special.
Five of my girlfriends are mothers, too. Their children are between the ages of one and three. Several weeks before Angela's party, I called my girlfriends and told them about my idea for a Mount Olympus theme party. They would come in cosumes of Greek Gods or Goddesses and make costumes for their children. I gave the mothers the name of a wonderful costume rental shop and the name of a fabric and craft store.
The pre-party party was at my house. All the mothers left their kids with husbands or babysitters so they could spend the day making costumes. I had decided Angela would be Hera, Zeus's wife. She already had a pair of cute little white sandals to start her costume. I glued styrofoam trianglesI bought at the craft store to a head band and sprayed it gold to make a crown. I found little, gold colored rings used to make jewelry that were small enough to use as finger rings.The remnant of white linen was more than enough to make her toga . By the time we were finished we were exhausted and ordered a nice take out dinner from a local restaurant. We had some wine toasting "motherhood".
My husband helped me move most of the furniture out of the living room. I draped remnants from the fabric store and sheets over the living room walls making it look a palace chamber. The decor was simple, yet effective.
When the guests arrived, we had a fashion show. My husband video taped Angela sitting on my lap showing off her Hera costume. Jenny was dressed as Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and she carried a white stuffed toy owl around. Sam was dressed as Hermes, the Messenger of the Gods and looked so cute in his winged sandles and winged helm.
Blonde little Justin was the adorable in his Sun God Apollo costume and he kept hitting everyone with his sun scepter his mother had cut out of a yellow sponge. Caroline was dressed in a pink toga criss crossed by strands of fake pearls and gold braid. She was Kyria, a Muse. Andrew's toy breast plate and helmet made his Aries costume look perfect. They were all so adorable and I took lots of photos.
After the fashion show we took the kids into the back yard and Duke, our loveable Golden Retriever, graciously let us strap a chariot I made from a toy wagon to him and pulled the Gods and Goddesses around the back yard. My husband video taped the whole thing.
Lunch was Greek salad and wine for the adults, and baby food, macaroni and cheese and cut hot dogs for the kids with grape juice, to drink for the kids. After lunch, my husband brought out the cake, it was shaped like the Partheonon and was very delicious.
After the kids had a chance to run off a little energy we gathered around the coffee table to watch Angela opened her gifts. A little while later she fell asleep next to Duke on the living room floor. It was almost a shame when the party was over. Angela did not want to go to sleep without her crown so I hung it over her crib.
The video was sent to a professional editor a three minute movie made from it of the Greek God's day off. Each guest was sent a copy. Everyone called me about the video and how much they were hoping Angela's second birthday would be as much fun.