This Is Your Life
![This Is Your Life party theme - thumbnail image](
Biographical sketch of a person's life & Achievements.
Event Types
Adults, Reunion, Dinner Party, Valentine's Day, Engagement
Age Groups
Adults, Reunion, Dinner Party, Valentine's Day, Engagement
Dance Floor, tables around for eating and networking. All tables should be able to see the slide show.
Bottle of champagne on each table with fine dinnerware and champagne flutes. Picture of honoree part of centerpiece at each table white table linens, colorful flowers on tables. Each guest takes home embossed champagne flute (name of honoree on it) & CD of party. Honoree and family after the party to a picture sequel scene.
Dress code
Dressy event Dresses-women, suits-men.
Pen ballroom dancing.
Food & Drink: Serve appetizers and cocktails prior to presentation of honoree. (roving waiters). Cocktails/wine served after presentation.
Host uses power point to show photos or pieces of honoree's work on the screen while describing that particular eve. Others may come forward also to give information about the honoree. Some incidents are serious or important; some light of comical. Go in chronological sequence of person's life. slides on the screen match the event being described. Formal sit done dinner. Indoor event: Large room or ranted hall- large enough for guests, tables, chairs, bar, dance floor but group should fill the room (not be lost in it) Head take for honoree and family. The make a toast to honoree before dinner. Guest should shake hands with honoree and family as they leave.